Zuerst werden für die neuen Familien immer Lebensmittel gekauft, damit nicht noch mehr Menschen verhungern, damit diese Menschen wieder zu Kräften kommen.
Für die Menschen werden saubere Kleidung und Schuhe gekauft, damit sie nicht ungeschützt durch den Busch laufen müssen und damit sie mit festen Schuhen in ihren Feldern arbeiten können.
Jeder Familie bekommt für diese Einkäufe im Dorf in jedem Monat einen kleinen finanziellen Zuschuss, pro Kind monatlich 5 US Dollar, pro Erwachsenen monatlich 10 US Dollar, diese Gelder werden nur für Kleidung, Schuhe, Schulhefte, Kindernahrung usw. genutzt
Family 1, Father Tadios, Mother Keresina, Childrens Conias, Advance, Andrew, Lillian and Aloysia
Family 2, Tadios Father is Koniyasi and Mother Lillian
Family 3, Father Peter, Mother Vimbai, Children Juliet, Panashe, Piason
Family 4, Father Moses, Mother Christina, Children Raymond, Ronald and Blessing
Family 5, Grandmother Rasheil, Children of her Daughter, Children Chiedza and Jenica
Family 6, Father Amon, not on this Picture, Mother Mutsai, Children Anna, Shamiso and Nometer
Family 7, Grandmother Ester, Mother Elisabeth, Children Steady, Mukudzei, Ropafadzo and Rutendo
Family 8, Father Davison, Mother Mellania, Children Farai and Ronia
Family 9, Father Cuthbert, Mother Patience not on this Picture, Children Tinovimba, Priority and Tawananyasha
Family 10, Father Mafios, Mother Jerita, Children Munyaradzi, Faith and Shoron
Family 11, Grandmother Sofia, Children of her Daughter, Boy Dzingirai and Girls Yolanda and Brenda
Family 12, Father Cephas, Mother Engeline, Boys Lee and William
Family 13, Father Tinos, Mother Yuvone, Girl Lenicia and Boys Mufaro and Tawanda
Family 14, Mother Ketsiya, Boy Onah, Girls Simbisai and Chiedza, Father of Family Saratiel is in Mutare Town
Family 15, Grandmother Tendai, Child of her Daughter, Girl Melissa, Husband is died
Family 16, Father Calfinos , Mother Faith, Boys Takudzwa and Tinotenda
Family 17, Mother Netsai, Children Remember, Takunda and Mike
Family 18, Father Peter, Mother Kwashira, Boy Zvidzai, Girls Netsai, Prise, Tadiwa and Violet
Family 19, Father Donald, Mother Beatrice, Mother of Donald is Namatirai, Children Munyaradzi, Brian and Divine
Family 20 , Father Isaac is Brother of Tadios Father, Mother Haruvandwi, Boy Samson, Girls Tendai and Loice
Family 21, Tadios younger Brothers Washington and Andrew and Child Tinotenda
Family 22, Obert and Maxwell. this one is friend of my father. Wife of this father is died last year but one
Family 23, Father is Ephiaus, Mother is Helen. children 2 Boys, Justice and Ephison, Girl is Nelia
Family 24, Name of Grandmother is Annah, Children Pellagia and Forget
Family 25, Name of mother is Doreen. Father is Onismore, Child is Law. Father is staying in South Africa for a long time
Family 26, Mother Flater , Husband is died in 2007. Names of Chidren 2 Boys Aluwis and Martin, Girl Matildar
Family 27, Father is Simbarashe, Mother is Vongai, Children's Names only Boys, Tadiwanashe, Tawananyasha and Terence
Family 28, Name of Mother is Resoline, Chidren are Vitus, Trevita and Liosah
Family 29, Name of Mother is Veliage, Children are Kudzai and Nokutenda
Family 30, Name of Father is Tavonga, Mother is Catherine, Children are Netsai, Fogive and Delait
Family 31, Name of Father is Edias, Mother is Fungai. Children are Ester and Lysha
Family 32, Father is Gorge, Mother is Ulider, children are Talent, Yolanda and Nenyasha
Family 33, Mother is Dambudzo, Father is Zivanai, Children are Victor, Ivine and Diana
Family 34, Father is Edison, Mother Olivia, Children Ruvarashe and Divine
Family 35, Father is Caliphions, Mother is Lidia, Children Mercy and Fanuel
Family 36, Father is Innocent, Mother is Cynthia, Child is Pellagia
Family 37, Mother is Moline, Children Tatenda and Tinotenda
Family 38, Father is Simon, Mother Sekai, Child Lisah
Family 39, Mother is Ketsiya, Children, Munashe, Mundoaishe, Boswell and Tshepo
Family 40, Father is Livious, Mother is Proud, Children Rejoice and Robert
Family 41, Mother is Monika, children are Tapiwa, Tavonga and Beverly
Family 42, Mother is Merjury, children are Ashton and Ruku
Family 43, Father is Tavonga, Mother is Lucia, children are Nenyasha and Kupakwashe
Family 44, Mother is Virgina, child is Mateo
Family 45, Mother is Muchaneta, children are Ruarashe, Tsotsi and John
Family 46, Father is Etial, Mother is Jennet, children are Violet and Edison
Family 47, Grandfather is Mugwinji, children are Mercy and Milliam
Family 48, Grandma is Vongai, Eingines and Tawanda
Family 49, Mother is Pellagia, children is vongai, Florence, Party, Samson and Richard
Family 50, Mother is Jennet, children are William, Faith and Nyasha
Family 51, Mother is Chiedza, children are Sevias, Prosipa, Tavonga, Ruth
Family 52, Mother is Namatirai, Moreblessing, Tambudzai and Takudzwa
Family 53, Mother is Juliet, children are Morejoy, Joseph and Moreblessing
Family 54, Father is Chomunorwa, Mother is Rudo, Children are Tinotenda, Susan, Rumbidzai and Tsitsi
Family 55, Father is Cheure, Mother is Jenet, Children are Talent, Mitchel, Mike, Eldridge and Shantel
Family 56, Grandma is Vongai, Mother Cithyia, Children are Makanaka, Julius and Jonh
Family 57, Father is Wellington, Mother is Tafadzwa, children are Ackcilia and Haruvandwi
Family 58, Mother is Milian, Father is Brain, Children are Ashly and Pragnet
Family 59, Mother Fadzai, children Farai, Nokutenda, Prince, Promise
Family 60, Grandma Jimisai, mother is Elizabeth, child Pamela
Family 61, Mother is Engines, children Lovennes and Connie
Family 62, Grandma is Josephine and Caliphions, child is Bernard
Family 63, Mother is Lillian, Godfrey and Talent
Family 64, Mother is Shairo Mordreck, children Shalam, Ostine and Ashitonile
Family 65, Mother is Murivani, Soul Makatendeka, Mercy and Merry
Family 66, Father Emmanuel, Mother is Memory, children Forget and Tarisai
Family 67, Mother is Sonika, child is Juliar
Family 68, Mother is Felisters, Father is Servias, child is Prosper
Family 69, Grandma is Eveline, and Langton
Family 70, Father is Rabison, mother is Teresa, child is Loise
Family 71, Father is Dzingai, Mother is Mary, Children are Godfrey, Vongai and Kero
Family 72, Mother is Josephine, Children Nence, Taku and Payinda
Family 73, Father is Kenny, Mother Mahosi, Children Anther and Nenci
Family 74, Mother is Fadzai Ngengenge, Children Kombi and Tawana
Family 75, Father is Combayi, Mother is Maria, Children Tariro and Innocent
Family 76, Father is Area Siveregi, Mother is Nyemudzai, Children Like, Lizzy, Ronie, Dezimond and Richard
Family 77, Mother Netsolo, Biessing Nathan and Prences
Family 78, Mother Florence, children Skoti and Previledge
Family 79, Mother is Locadia, children Biance and Beverly
Family 80, Grandma Chimwene, Mother Tendai and Child Chipo
Family 81, Father Rabison, Mother Samantha, child Svondai
Family 82, Mother is Sakina, Children Godrey and Thomas
Family 83, Grandma Chitapa, child Richard
Family 84, Father Nhamo, Mother Chikogwe, Children Praise, Martha and Naison
Family 85, Grandfather Cheue and Grandma Rosina
Family 86, Mother is Cesiria, Child Clopas
Family 87, Mother Mumbire, Children Evans and Cannias
Family 88, Father Langtone, Mother Mahachi, Children Dhara and Ridima
Family 89, Grandma Mawira, Children Ireen, Takura and Fey
Family 90, Grand Father Zimunhu, Grandma Mudzvevi, CHildren Tinashe and Lidea
Family 91, Father Ruben, Mother Monica, Children Teresa and Joah
Family 92, Father Tuckshop, Mother Susan, Children Todaishe, Tsiti and Mucha
Family 93, Mother Ronge, Children Tinashe, James and Tafadzwa
Family 94, Mother Kan'ela, Children Sibongile, Belinder, Anesu and Kenias
Family 95, Grandma Vheneca, Mother Mudarikwa, Children Dee, Vonai and Vee
Family 96, Mother Stella, Children Aminoni, Junior and Blessing
Family 97, Grandma Shandu, Children Tinos and Lucia
Family 98, Grandmother Wilbert, Children Saraina and Shilar
Family 99, Grandma Madziro, Children Tichaona, Focus and Farisai
Family 100, Father Gabriel, Mother Vongai and Child Bernard
Family 101, Father Bowasi, mother Juliet, Children THomas and Taurai
Family 102, Father Steven, Mother Tendai, Children Clarity, Enough and Teresa
Family 103, Father Penial, Mother Mawira, Children Elizabeth, Steven and Ndokutenda
Family 104, Grandma Mageza, Child Praise
Family 105, Father Sumson, Mother Netsai, Child Willard
Family 106, Father Jaison, Mother Beaut, Children Marthin and Simbarashe
Family 107, Father Odinel, Mother Mukuware, Children Moses and Rudo
Family 108, Father Tawanda, Mother Mubheja, Child Atipaishe
Family 109, Mother Benedictor, Children Beatrice, Tatenda, Makanaka and Beular
Family 110, Mother Annah Purazeni, Children Rodha, Ruva, Judith and Mery
Family 111, Mother Virginia, Children Joie and Tanyaradzwa
Family 112, Father Asel, Mother Mabwe, Children Brain and Makaita
Family 113, Mother Grace, Children Achieve, Praise and Godrey
Family 114, Mother Shamiso, Child Philice
Family 115, Grandma Ngwarai, Child Stokhozile
Family 116, Mother Ltai, Children Bester, Njodzi and Munyaradzi
Family 117, Father Shaltone, Mother Vongai, Children Jennifer, Fadzai, Kupakwashe, Farai and Tambudzai
Family 118, Father Never, Mother Rosemary, Child Purity
Family 119, Grandmother Dusai, Children Chirandu and Brain
Family 120, Grandmother Muringani, Children Gladys and Thomas
Family 121, Mother Bhaja, Child Lucia
Family 122, Mother Ruth Gombe, Children Joshua, Susan and Fadzai
Family 123, Father Rabison Muringani, Child Moyo
Family 124, Mother Mai Junior, Child Scott
Family 125, Mother Cicillia, Children Ropafadzo, Sheron, Rumbidzai, Atwell
Family 126, Mother Svondai, Children McDonald, Melin and Naison
Family 127, Mother Soromy, Children Nathaniel and Ronald
Family 128, Mother Muchemwi, Children Praise and Mellania
Family 129, Mother Rukudo, Children Isaac and Wellington
Family 130, Mother Mrs Mawira, Children Wyine, Tinashe and Farisai
Family 131, Mother Annah Mutanga, Children Anesu, Princess and Padon
Family 132, Mother Revai Gombe, Children Justis and Brender
Family 133, Mother Megenia Chure, Children Philip and Privilege
Family 134, Mother Rosemary Magara, Children Vernia and Tinotenda
Family 135, Mother Judith Chidoori, Children Faina, Clayton and Raymond
Family 136, Grandmother Ronika Mupera, Children Tadiwa, Nomatter, Tawanda, Theresah, Shardrec and Pauline
Family 137, mother is Roseline, children Joshua and shardreck
Family 138, mother is mbuya vakose, children is Talent and Tafadzwa
Family 139, mother is Netsai children Party,Lister and fogie
Family 140, grandmother is Matuda children is Tavonga
Family 141, father is chizu mother is Nyenge, children is Rudo and Tambudzai
Family 142, mother is Modina, children is Christina
Projekt ONE
To buy buy Clothes, Shoes, School Uniforms, Books for Tadios´ 5 Children, to buy Food, Tea, cold Drinks, Meat and so on for Tadios´ whole Family, to pay School fees for Tadios´ 5 Children
Projekt TWO
To buy Bricks, Cement, Wire, Reed Gras, new wooden Door, wooden Roofing to build the new House for Tadios` Parents - FAMILY 2
Projekt THREE
To buy Clothes, Shoes, School Uniforms, Books for 8 Children of 8 Parents und to buy Food and Drinks for 8 Parents and their 25 Children, thats 6 Neighbours from Tadios and two younger Brothers from Tadios and their Wifes and to buy Food, Drinks and Clothes für the Family from Tadios Mukwahze
Projekt FOUR
To buy Food, Clothes, Shoes, Seeds etc.
Projekt FIVE
New Families 17 to 21 to buy Food, Clothes, Shoes usw.
For Tadios 100 US Dollar to buy a new Cell Phone and to buy a new Solar Panel 120 Watt, for charging the Cell Phone
For the 5 new Families for Seeds and Fertilizer
Projekt SIX
New Families 22 to 27 to buy Food, Clothes, Shoes usw.
For the 6 new Families 218 US Dollar for Seeds and Fertilizer
Projekt SEVEN
New Families to buy Food, Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat usw.
For the 6 new Families for Seeds, Fertilizer and for Ridging the Fields with Cattle Plows
Projekt EIGHT
New Families 34 to 40 to buy Food, Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat etc.
For the 7 new Families for Seeds, Fertilizer and for Ridging the Fields with Cattle Plows
For Tadios Mukwahze to buy Cement, Wire, Doors and Windows for his new House
Projekt NINE
New Families 41 to 46 to buy Food, Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat etc.
For the 6 new Families for Seeds, Ferilizer and for Ridging the Fields with Cattle Plows
For Keretsina Mukwahze to buy a new Phone, for Videos and Pictures from Keretsinas Life
For the new House of Tadios and the new House oft he old Grandma to by Cement, Windows, Wire and Doors
Projekt TEN
For School Fees for the 41 Children from the List from Tadios and for the 9 new Children
Projekt Eleven
to buy Food, Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat etc.
For the 6 new Families for each Family also for Food, Shoes and Clothes
For Finishing House of Tadios and Grandma One for Doors, Windows and Cement
For Finishing House of Tadios Young Brother and for Grandma Two for Doors, Windows and Cement
For Scholl Fees for the next 21 Children
Fort he new 6 Families for Seeds, Fertilizer and for Ridging the Fields with Cattle Plows
Projekt Twelve
Family 1 to 52 to buy Food, Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat etc.
For the 6 new Families for each Family also for Food, Shoes and Clothes
For Finishing House Number 6 and 7 for Doors, Windows and Cement
For School Fees for 21 new School Childs
For the new 6 Families for Seeds, Fertilizer and for Ridging the Fields with Cattle Plows
Projekt Thirteen
Family 1 to 58 to buy Food, Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat etc.
For the 6 new Families for each Family also for Food, Shoes, and Clothes
For the new 6 Families for Seeds, Fertilizer and for Ridging the Fields with Cattle Plows
For Finishing House Nr. 8 till Number 10 for Doors, Windows and Cement
For Drilling a new Drinking Water Borehole with a Drilling Company from Masvingo
Projekt Fourteen
For Solar Panels, Water Pipes, Pumps etc. for the new Drinking Water Borehole
Projekt Fifteen
Family 1 to 64 to buy Food, Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat etc.
For the 6 new Families also for Food, Shoes and Clothes
For the 6 new Families for Seeds, Fertilizer and for Ridging the Fields with Cattle Plows
For Finishing House 10 till 14 for Doors, Windows and Cement
For Tanks and wooden Tilts fort he first Borehole
Projekt Sixteen
Family 1 to 70 for each to buy Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat etc.
For Drilling the second Borehole
For Seeds and Fertilizer for the 70 Families
For School Fees the next three Month for the 81 Children
For new School Roofs and new School Walls
Projekt Seventeen
For finishing the second Borehole
For Plowing the Field
For finishing the School Wall and School Roof Renovation
For finishing the Houses 12, 13 and 14
For Seeds and Fertilizer for the Fields of the 88 Families
Projekt Eighteen
Family 1 to 88 to buy Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat etc.
12 new Families for each Family also for Food, Shoes and Clothes
For Drilling for the third Borehole
For the 12 new Families for Seeds and Fertilizer
For Paint for the School Walls
Projekt Nineteen
Familiy 1 till 100 to buy Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat etc.
For the 6 new Families for Seeds and Fertilizer
For the third Borehole for JoJo Tank, Solar Panel, Pump usw.
Projekt Twenty
Family 1 to 106 to buy Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat etc.
For the 6 new Families also for Food, Shoes and Clothes
For the 6 new Families for Seeds, Fertilizer and for Ridging the Fields with Cattle Plows
For Drilling the fourth Borehole
For School Fees for 120 Children
Projekt Twenty One
Family 1 to 112 to buy Shoes, Clothes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat, Food for the Children etc.
6 new Families also for Food, Shoes an Clothes
For Seeds and Fertilizer for the 6 new Families
For the Fourth Borehole, for Solar Panel, for Pumps and for JoJo Tank etc.
Projekt Twenty Two
Family 1 to 118 to buy Shoes, Clothes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat, Food for the Children etc.
6 new Families also for Food, Shoes an Clothes
For Seeds and Fertilizer for the 6 new Families
For the Fourth Borehole in the School
Projekt Twenty Three
Family 1 to 124 to buy Shoes, Clothes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat, Food for the Children etc.
6 new Families also for Food, Shoes an Clothes
For Seeds and Fertilizer for the 6 new Families
For Borehole Number 5, in the School, for Solar Panel, for Pumps and for JoJo Tank usw.
Projekt Twenty Four
Family 1 to 130 to buy Shoes, Clothes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat, Food for the Children etc.
For 6 new Families for each Family also for Food, Shoes and Clothes
For the 6 new Families for Seed and Fertilizer, in the second School
For Drilling the Borehole Number Six
Projekt Twenty Five
Family 1 to 136 to buy Shoes, Clothes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat, Food for Children etc.
For finishing the Borehole Number 6 in the second School, for Pump, JoJo Tank, Electrician, Tubes, Solar Panel etc.
Projekt Twenty Six
for Primary School One, for Primary School Two, for New Engine for Tadios Car, for Borehole Number Seven, for Six new Families, for Shoes, Clothes, Food, for Seeds, Fertilizer and Cattle Plows fort he new Families
Projekt Twenty Seven
Family 1 to 136 to buy Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat, Food for Children etc.
For the Borehole Number Seven, for Solar Panel, Pump, JoJo Tank, Electrics etc.
Projekt Twenty Eight
Family 1 to 136 to buy Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat, Food for Children etc.
For Seeds an Fertiliser fort he 6 new Families
For Borehole Number 6 and Borehole Number 7, to drilling the two Boreholes a second Time, for Fuel and Workers oft he Drilling Company, Total 902.41 US Dollar
Projekt Twenty Nine
For the 136 Old Families, for Family 1 to 136 to buy Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat, Food for Childern etc.
For the 6 new Old Families 136 to 142 to by Clothes, Food, Shows, Chicken and Turkey etc.
For the new Drinking Water Borehole Number 8, fort he Community Garden, to plant Mais, Beans, Sweet, Potatoes etc.
Projekt Thirty
For the 142 Old Families, to buy Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat, Food for Children etc.,
For the Drinking Water Borehole Number 8 , for the Community Garden, for JoJo Tank, Solar Panel, Pump, Elektrics etc.,
Projekt Thirty One
For Drilling the Borehole Number 9, in the Clinic - For bying Fences, Wire, Fence Posts etc. for Gisis Community Garden Number One
Projekt Thirty Two
For the Borehole Number 9 in the Clinic, for Pump, Solar Panels, Tubes, JoJo Tank etc. For the 142 Old Families, to buy Clothes, Shoes, Chicken for Eggs, Turkey for Meat, Food for Children etc.
Projekt Thirty Three
For Second JoJo Tank in Gisis Garden, for small Building für JoJo Tank Two in Gisis Garden, for Drilling Borehole Number 10 in Thommys Garden, for Wire, Post, Doors etc.for Thommys Garden, for Cattle Plows to plowing Thommys Garden etc.
Projekt Thirty Four
For Thommys Garden, for Wire, Posts, Cattle Plows, Fertilizer, JoJo Tanks, Electrician usw.
Projekt Thirty Five
For Jojo Tank and Solar Paneel, Pump und Electrician in Thommys Garden etc.
Projekt Thirty Six
For Magdas Garden, for Drilling Borehole Number 11 in Magdas Garden, for Wire, Posts, Doors, for JoJo Tanks, for Solar Paneel, Solar Pump, for Electrician usw. in Magdas Garden
Projekt Thirty Seven
For RoSi´s Garden, for Drilling Borehole Number 12 in RoSi´s Garden, for Wire, Posts, Fences, Doors, for JoJo Tanks, for Solar Paneel, for Solar Pump, for Electric, for Pipes
Projekt Thirty Eight
for Renovation of Clinic, for Workers and Painters, for Paint, New Ceilling, for Anti Leaking Special Roof Paint usw.
Projekt Thirty Nine
for Renovation Clinic, for new Toilet Pots, for new Chairs and Desks, for new Patient Beds, for painting Public Toilets and Staff Rooms
Projekt Fourty
for Renovation Staff Houses Clinic, for Paint, Roof Anti Leaking Paint, for Workers
Projekt Fourty One
for 142 Families as Christmas Present
For a new Trailer for the Car of Tadios to carry Material from Masvingo tot he Clinic, the Schools and the Villages
Projekt Fourty Two
for Renovation of the Mutya Primary Scholl, for new Toiletts, Roof and Wall Painting Outside, for Material and for Workers
Projekt Fourty Three
for Renovation of the Mutya Primary School, for new Toiletts, Paint fort he Walls Inside and Outside, Paint for Roofs, For Cement, Money for Workers and Painters, Money for ne Wheelbarows, Shovels and Spade
Projekt Fourty Four
for Renovation oft he Mutya Primary School, for new Toiletts, Paint for Walls Inside and Outside, for new Chairs, Benches and Tables
Projekt Fourty Five
for Finishing Renovation of the Mutya Primary School, for 85 new Chairs and 85 new Tables fort he Children ( second Time 85 Chairs and Tables) and for Beginning the Renavation of the Mashonga Primary School
Projekt Fourty Six
for Renovation of the Mashonga Primary School, for Builders, Workers, Painters, for Roofing Color, for Color for Walls Inside and Outside, for Renovation oft he new Teachers Block, for Cement and Bricks
Projekt Fourty Seven
for Renovation of the Mashonga Primary School, for Builders, Workers, Painters, for Windows for the new Teachers Block, for Cement for making new Floors, for digging the Wholes for the new Toiletts